Sunday, May 22, 2005

Survivor Guatemala news

Survivor fans: get out your diaries and a big, fat red pen! Apparently Season 11 - Survivor Guatemala - goes to air in September 2005, which matches the timing that Vanuatu went to air last year.,1,16559,00.html

Mark Burnett and his posse of Australian crew are also searching for the Season 12 contestants. According to the official CBS application page my lack of an American passport specifically excludes me. If you read the FAQ you'll see that there appears to be no minimum IQ. Auditions start in September, and they film between late-October and December. Presumably this means it'll go to air early March like Palau.

Host Jeff is only contracted for another two series (ie. Guatemala and whatever follows). Can we read anything into the fact that he's gone public with that info?

Where will series 12 be? I'm guessing somewhere on the coast of Africa. Inland Africa was a debacle last time they tried it, so I'm thinking perhaps an island off the coast or somewhere on the coast itself. They've done plenty of Asia Pacific, and plenty of Central America. It needs to be somewhere hot so that the buffed-up boys and girls can run around in virtually no clothing, and the exposed flesh ratings necessity effectively rules out the entire Middle East, Northern Africa and any other Muslim nation. Europe is too densely civilized to believe they're roughing it. There seems to be a fair bit of overlap between Amazing Race and Survivor production, and the AR guys did OK in Ethiopia, so perhaps it could be an option.

Your thoughts?

Anyone else want to take a guess?

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